Dustin Decker

Android Security Patching Approval Flow

Here’s a little something about the Android Security Patching Approval Flow I bet you didn’t really know about. Things that make you go “Hrm…” That’s right, your WIRELESS PROVIDER is the primary arbiter of what patches you receive on your device.

Android Security Patching Approval Flow
Android Security Patching Approval Flow

The Android security patching approval flow typically involves the following steps:

  1. Patch Development: The Android security team develops patches to address known security vulnerabilities in the Android operating system.
  2. Patch Testing: The patches are then tested extensively to ensure that they do not cause any unintended consequences or conflicts with other components of the operating system.
  3. Patch Release: Once the patches have been thoroughly tested and deemed safe, they are released to device manufacturers and carriers.
  4. Manufacturer Evaluation: The device manufacturers and carriers then evaluate the patches to determine their compatibility with their specific devices and networks.
  5. Approval Process: If the patches are deemed compatible, the device manufacturers and carriers will then approve them for release to their customers.
  6. Distribution: The patches are then distributed to end-users through software updates, typically through over-the-air (OTA) updates.
  7. Installation: Finally, the end-users will install the patches on their devices to ensure that their devices are protected against known security vulnerabilities.

It is important to note that the approval process may vary depending on the specific device manufacturer or carrier. Some may have their own internal testing and evaluation processes before approving patches for release, while others may rely more heavily on the evaluation performed by the Android security team.

Android Security Patching Approval Flow