Made by Deutsche Telekom as part of the ‘Nachricht von Ella’ (Message From Ella) campaign.

Dustin Decker
Hello World! My name is Dustin Decker, and I am a full-time security researcher and student with over twenty years of experience as an information systems engineer. I am currently beginning my senior year pursuing my second bachelor’s degree in applied Cybersecurity (BACS) with the SANS Technology Institute. I anticipate graduating in May of 2024. I am a skilled Information Security Analyst with expertise in risk management framework (RMF), systems development life cycle (SDLC), security life cycle, management of a wide range of vulnerabilities and threats, fundamental business analysis, and project management. Skills: Microsoft Azure FedRAMP, Puppet, Artifactory, Django, Riverbed Steelscript, Riverbed SteelCentral NetShark, Vagrant, Chocolatey, MuleSoft, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, BASH Scripting, PowerShell, RHEL, DevOps, Docker, Visual Studio, BeEf, Bucket Finder, TLS-Scan, CeWL, JQ, Masscan, Metasploit/Meterpreter, Zenmap, Nmap, Mimikatz, SpiderFoot, Unshadow + John, Volatility, and personal new favorite: SRUM-Dump. I specialize in providing IT security expertise and guidance in support of security assessments and continuous monitoring for government (FISMA & NIST) and commercial clients. I am comfortable in heterogenous environments with tens of thousands of hosts.