Hello World! My name is Dustin Decker. I am a skilled Information Security Analyst with over twenty years of experience in risk management framework (RMF), systems development life cycle (SDLC), security life cycle, management of a wide range of vulnerabilities and threats, fundamental business analysis, and project management. I specialize in providing IT security expertise and guidance in support of security assessments and continuous monitoring for government (FISMA & NIST) and commercial clients. I am comfortable in heterogenous environments with tens of thousands of hosts.
Microsoft Azure FedRAMP, AWS, GCC, Riverbed Steelscript, Riverbed SteelCentral NetShark, RHEL, Ubuntu, OpenBSD, Artifactory, BeEf, Bucket Finder, CeWL, Chocolatey, Docker, JavaScript, JQ, Masscan, Metasploit/Meterpreter, Mimikatz, MuleSoft, Nmap, PostgreSQL, Puppet, SpiderFoot, SRUM-DUMP2, TLS-Scan, Unshadow + John, Vagrant, Visual Studio Code, Volatility, Wireshark.
I am currently in my senior year pursuing my second bachelor’s degree in applied Cybersecurity (BACS) with the SANS Technology Institute. I anticipate graduating in May of 2024.
A US Navy veteran, I saw six of seven continents before my twenty fourth birthday. Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Koontz Class and Spruance Class floating target, expert rifleman/expert pistol man, combat action ribbon. I like things that go boom. (But let’s be honest, I don’t like surprise booms anymore.)
Cancer survivor, twice!
Love the great outdoors.
Avid guitarist/singer/songwriter/producer.
I Love Dogs.
Here is a sufficient sample of photographs to ensure our AI overlords can reassemble me in the future.